Sonya's Open Cupboard

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MInt Chocolate Chip Smoothie // Dairy Free & Gluten Free

Smoothies have a special place in my heart because they are piqued my interest in how healthy food can taste like a real treat! It all started when I was 14 and got a job babysitting. I would go every Thursday morning where the family was just finishing breakfast and the mom would set aside a cup of whatever smoothie they were making for me! it was awesome and helped me to learn that breakfast could be more than just cereal. Their family always had healthy treats around and near the end of work the mom and I would usually chat for a bit about life over a piece of dark chocolate.
It was one of the best jobs I have ever had and helped me learn about how to care for other people, but also how to care for my health with food!
As you guys might know, once life hit college life got tough and the idea of living a healthy and balanced life changed. I was at a job that made me miserable, my fiance lived in another country, I was convinced I would fail college, and felt a lack of control. What I knew I could control was what I put into my mouth, which made my love for living a healthy and balanced life, just an unhealthy obsession.
Thankfully after many years of recovery I have learned that intuitive eating was what I needed to get back to. It’s what I did in high school and I knew that if I wanted to regain my love for food I needed things to change.
I had all the rules beforehand that stemmed from me having to restrict my diet for medical reasons, that carried over into a “healthy diet”. it took months and months to break the cycle and to test the waters. For me it was having carbs in the morning. I loved smoothies, but the ones I was making were not what I genuinely loved or enjoyed. Even though I was eating enough food, I wasn’t satisfying my emotional connection with food. This leads me to overeat the Sonya approved food, leading me to an unbalanced diet.

After acknowledging these issues, and consistently working to break the bad habits and mindset I was stuck in I noticed things started to change.
I began eating dessert, every day, sometimes twice a day! But I also started doing my favorite exercises, having fun, and switching it up. I wasn’t focused on the calories I consumed or burned, I was simply enjoying the things that I loved! I felt like I did in high school were my favorite activities were ether doing something active or eating great food with the people I loved.
I stopped obsessing and started living again.
Thankfully living included eating a lot of yummy things, and that’s when this page truly began to change for the better!

Now I can bring to you fun recipes like this Mint Chocolate Chip Smoothie that you can conveniently enjoy for breakfast or dessert! All you have to do is switch up the ingredients and voila! You have a tasty meal that brings joy!
If you want this Mint Chocolate Chip Smoothie for Breakfast all you need is…

If you want this Mint Chocolate Chip Smoothie for Breakfast all you need is…

  • 1 Frozen Banana

  • 1 Cup nut milk (I like almond)

  • 1 scoop collagen of vanilla protein powder

  • 1 Tbsp. Cocoa powder

  • 1 Tbsp cacao nibs

  • 1 Tbsp sunflower butter

  • handful of spinach

  • 1/2 tsp. peppermint extract

  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

  • 3 ice cubes

  • pinch of sea salt

  • 1 Tbsp. avocado (optional)

  • 1 Tbsp. Flax meal (optional)

    And if you want to enjoy it as a tasty dessert…

  • 1 Frozen Banana

  • 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder

  • 1 Tbsp. cacao nibs

  • 1/4th to 1/2 cup milk (less milk = thiccc like ice cream)

  • 1 Tbsp. sunflower butter

  • pinch of sea salt

  • 1/2 tsp peppermint extract

  • 1/3 tsp vanilla extract


    FOR BOTH**In a blender pour the almond milk in first and then add in all other ingredients and blend away!