Tips and Tricks for Clean Eating

I don’t know about you guys, but when it comes to prepping food it sometimes feels like a constant battle I can’t seem to conquer. That is until I get myself organized and realize how easy my life could be if I stayed organized…

Now I am not the best at organizing, so I figured why not come up with a few “life hacks”. So far I think that I have really been able to outdo myself with minimal effort, take it of course that you might know a thing or two and I am just not coming to the realization, but in all honesty I am pretty pumped about these hacks so I will just take my little victory lap here and leave it at that.

So without further, I will let you in on a few foodie secrets of mine to keep healthy habits and clean eating a breeze!


• Hack #1: Freeze Smoothie components in an Ice Cube tray!

Wait…do what? Okay, so this might sound strange, but hear me out! I love to have a smoothie every morning or at least once a day. They are easy to digest, I can get most of my supplements in and taste like candy…most of the time.

SO the problem with smoothies is that I try to keep them low GI aka not a lot of fruit, but we all know frozen fruit is what makes them so creamy and delicious right...?

What I like to do is add in things like avocado, pumpkin, coconut milk, coconut yogurt, and sweet potato so to make the ingredients last longer I take Ice Cube trays and freeze cubes of whatever items I have on hand that week. This way I can mix and match to make unique flavors and also keep my smoothies creamy and thick without sacrificing taste!

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• Hack #2: Frozen Vegetables

I love every meal except for lunch, part of the reason is that it’s a reminder I have 4 hours left in the workday but mainly because it’s just a pain to think about making it. Not to say lunch is bad or that I don’t enjoy it, but it is so easy to run out of time to make a good lunch if you don’t have leftovers handy.

This is why I but frozen vegetables! I swear it’s like a lightbulb went off in my head last week when I stocked up on about 8 different bags of frozen vegetables and began using them for lunches.

What I typically do is either make a large batch of quinoa at the beginning of the week and vary between that and eggs for my protein. Then in the morning I choose a mixture of vegetables and throw them in a pan with some water, coconut amino, a handful of spinach and spices. I leave them to cook for about 5 minutes while I blend up my smoothie and voila I have perfectly cooked nutrient-dense lunch to look forward to that took basically no time at all!

These are two of my favorite hacks lately that really have been making all the difference when it comes to preparing healthy and nutritious meals to get me through my day!

What are some of your favorite healthy habit hacks to keep you fueled and feeling your best?

Thank’s again for stopping by!

-Sonya Peacocke

Chocolate Protein Balls

Chocolate Protein Balls

I don’t know about you guys, but do you ever find yourself in DESPERATE need of a pick me up…

…preferably chocolate?

Well this is probably one of the most perfect solutions to that problem. Not only are these a sweet treat, they are packed with healthy fats and protein that will satisfy your cravings, help you to feel full, and provide nutrients in your body. 



• 1 cup almond meal

• 6 dates (Pre-soaked in warm water for about 30 minutes)

• 1 heaping Tbsp. Almond Butter

• Fat from the top of a can of Coconut Milk

• 1/4 cup Shredded Coconut 

• 3Tbsp. Cocoa Powder

• Pinch of Salt

• Generous dash of Cinnamon

• 2Tbsp. Chia Seeds

• 1/4 cup Hemp Seeds 

Soak dates in warm water for about 30 minutes until soft.

Blend everything together until everything is combined.

Hand roll into balls and then roll in cocoa powder, cacao nibs, coconut, etc.

Let them set in the freezer for about half hour, store in the fridge and enjoy!